It’s our 100th post! Where are we now?

We have officially reached post number 100!

Thank you to all of you for following our journey of a lifetime thus far as we’ve explored the amazing United States in our travel trailer before “settling down” and without waiting until retirement to really “live the dream”. Since leaving two weeks after getting married last May, we’ve traversed thirty-one states, been to 16 national parks, met Bruce Springsteen(!!), visited family around the country, seen more amazing landscapes than we even imagined we would, and so much more!

We’ve survived being around each other 24/7 in 220 square feet, even when the difficulties we’d face or the arguments we’d have would make us wonder what we were doing or if we could go any further. The number of memories we’ve made though and the amount that we’ve learned about each other and ourselves during this time leave us with no doubt that this “extended honeymoon” has brought us together in an irreversible way. The guy we met at a Savannah, GA bar who said that he and his wife still thrive off of the three week cross-country trip they took thirty years ago only helped to solidify our confidence that this adventure has really strengthened the glue that holds us together.

That’s not to say it’s all been easy. There have certainly been times when we didn’t have a place to stay…couldn’t figure out where to shower…had no heat in freezing weather…got LOCKED out of our RV…couldn’t seem to find a way to get our trailer fixed…missed our loved ones…missed having jobs to go to and a routine…that we almost wanted to call it quits a little early. Our original plan was to go for roughly one year, or stop whenever we felt like we were spending too much money or got tired. After ten months of traveling and a lot of thought, it is looking more and more like we are going to continue through this summer to culminate with the great Alaskan adventure before finally returning to a “normal” life (though “normal” is totally relative to us now). Especially since we are doing well with our budget, it just feels like now is not the time to stop when there is more we want to see and we know that we are equipped and easily able to do so. But we also sometimes don’t decide where we are going until the day before or morning of, so stay tuned…

We are still behind on our posts (wifi still remains elusive much of the time) but that will change soon as we catch up on posting about our adventures that have taken us home for the holidays, back down through the Southeast, and through the Lone Star State once more as we make our way back West one more time this trip – but certainly not for the last time!

Thank you once again for following our travels – we love being able to share our experiences with you all, and look forward to more to come!100th post.jpg

12 thoughts on “It’s our 100th post! Where are we now?

  1. Thank you so much for following! How exciting that you’ll be starting your own adventure! It is an amazing experience to get out on the road. There are definitely parts about it that can be a drag, but overall it’s so rewarding! How long do you plan to travel?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You guys are keeping the whole family and more, excited and optimistic about our fabulous country and all that it has to offer. We are all enjoying the ride, keep it going with no end in site, yes with nothing in sight but Purple Mountain Majesty! 🌄🏜🏞

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Woohoo – 100, Congratulations on such an accomplishment!!

    Thank you for allowing us to follow along your journey with your blog posts, pictures, and stories. Keep going and remember, when you get to Alaska, there’s gold up in them there hills!

    Pathfinder out!

    Ps. They say everyone has at least one good book in them…. just saying, I would read one about your trip.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. You two are fabulous and such an inspiration to young as well as “old” married people on fulfilling your dreams, but also learning to live in so tight quarters during good times and bad all along learning about each other.
    Love you!

    Liked by 1 person

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